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What a difference a day makes, two sessions at Cordoama with Surf Guide Algarve

cordoama big barrel surf guide algarve

What a difference a day makes, two sessions at Cordoama with Surf Guide Algarve

To begin with, as a surfer you need to follow the flow of the ocean. Behind every big day is a smaller day. And if your surf level is up for it, both days can be just as fun. Whenever we have skilled *and crew that we know and trust, and the forecast lines up for a challenge, we are all in. Surfing is no fun if you cant challenge yourself from time to time right? Today we score a little reef with just the perfect size of swell. Waves of consequence but with an offshore breeze and no one else in the lineup quite good to manage for the small surf guide algarve crew. Barrels and fun fast sections all morning long. The following day we surf the same beach a little further down the coast. What a difference a day makes. Cordoama showing her gentle side today and we have a super fun session with endless turns and small perfect waves. 

surf guide algarve perfect small waves cordoama
surf guide algarve perfect small waves cordoama
cordoama cought inside surf guide algarve rocky
cordoama cought inside surf guide algarve rocky

Sometimes you got to pay to play

Fair enough, all surf guide algarve guests pay a little fee to play every time they join one of the adventures. To start one of the guys takes a very perfect long right and rides it all the way in. Mistake? Maybe… We do not see him for such a long time we start to get a little worried. Just at that moment he appears about 500 meters left from the beach. He makes it back out with a smile and does not surf a wave that far in anymore today. Second victim is me, the surf guide. Pushing the limits a little hard sitting far inside the ledge on the reef. Eventually it is a numbers game. You will wipe-out at some point. One mutant wave just launches me from top to bottom on the reef. Luckily only my ego and hands got scratched on this one. Unlucky number three is one of our all-time vip guests. By the time he gets caught inside he decides it is time to go out and tries to climb over the reef back to the beach. *see picture above. Stoked like always and with a couple of really badass waves under his belt, but with two pretty bruised up feet. Sometimes you got to pay to play. 

cordoama big barrel surf guide algarve
cordoama big barrel surf guide algarve

The next day, small wave perfection

From time to time it is really nice to get a session like that. Adrenaline and some super crazy waves. Opposite to the next days. Just pure small wave perfection. Shared with two *also returning surf guide algarve dudes. Plus our bruised up friend who takes a couple of painfully good waves and a number of super good surf photos seen in this story. Thanks dude! 

small wave perfection at cordoama with surf guide algarve.
small wave perfection at cordoama with surf guide algarve.
surf guide algarve trying the new surfboard at cordoama
surf guide algarve trying the new surfboard at cordoama
clean waves at cordoama
clean waves at cordoama
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