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Enjoying summer the Surf Guide Algarve way, small waves on the south and big waves on the west coast!

a surfers dream with surf guide algarve

Enjoying summer the Surf Guide Algarve way, big waves on the west small waves on the south!

August 2024 goes in the books as a very good surf month for the Surf Guide Algarve crew. While most good surfers stay away in summer due to the strong wind and small swells, we score a lot of fun sessions. From time to time a bigger swell hits the coast and we can even surf some small clean waves on the south coast. Usually we stick to the west coast where we sometimes get some proper big waves for those who are ready for it. Enjoying summer to the max, the surf guide algarve way, enjoy the story! 

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dawn patrol with surf guide algarve
surf guide algarve score no one out zavial
surf guide algarve score no one out zavial

Timing is everything

At the right spot at the right time, the Surf Guide Algarve slogan. Likely more so then anywhere else in the world the Algarve is super tricky to score good waves. See here why I have a job. To summarise, tide, swell, swell period- direction and height all play a big factor. And then there is the always present wind. Since the Algarve almost works as an island we have the choice out of a great number of surf spots. But what beach will be good at what time? 

a surfers dream with surf guide algarve
a surfers dream with surf guide algarve
first one out zavial small wave perfection
first one out zavial small wave perfection

Everyone is a intermediate surfer

Whenever we enter the water, our job is basically done. Our guests free-surf on their own risk. Obviously we surf too and keep an eye out, but its you who needs to catch the waves and stay safe. Opposite to what many might think, the real work is prior the surf session. Before we can match the conditions with your surfing skills, we need to know exactly what your surf level is. Please dont say you are intermediate, cause everyone is. During the surf class they divide the crew between compleet beginners and, here it comes, intermediates. Yet the guy from Australia who surfs 30 years at least 4 times a week also calls himself a intermediate. Challenging isnt it? So, if you reach out to Surf Guide Algarve, avoid that term and tell us exactly what type of waves you are comfortable in. What kind of board do you surf etc. Really in this case more words is better then too little. Next we can take you to the best waves fitting your abilities! 

big waves west coast surf guide algarve picture by giancarlos
big waves west coast surf guide algarve picture by giancarlos
surf guide algarve guests first one out zavial
surf guide algarve guests first one out zavial
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