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Arrifana madness

arrifana madness

Arrifana style,

When the guys from the surfschool Extreme Algarve called me for a small favour, there was no way I could refuse. They asked me to drive their van (with students) to the beach. No teaching, no strings attached…just drive. Oh jeah and I got payed too. Sounds kind of like your regular day you would say. Well, not really.

arrifana beach
Crowds are not all that bad.


If we are surf guiding, Arrifana is not spot number one to go to. If the foreacast does force us to go to Arrifana than we make sure it is early. With the school however, I got a good reminder why this is.

arrifana set wave
Arrifana clean up set wave.

The school had to wait for other surfschools to finish teaching. This meant a long day on the beach. There are much more places to be I guess. In between the many hours of surfing, I tried to work on my photo skills.

arrifana madness
Just like surfing, it is not so easy to shoot a good one. I think this one captures everything. The surf, the beauty of the place, the crowd and sunny vibes. 

wave of the day.

And last but not least there is this guy. Unfortunately an unknown dude. Hands up for him. He managed to paddle out on his 8ft foamy, between the sets, and catch this bomb of a wave, Straight. I am pretty sure this dude had the best wave of his life right there.

arrifana big straight hander
arrifana big straight hander
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