Mission Completed with Surf Guide Algarve
Finally the Christmas time is over. Although the food is good and there is something to say about the decorations, its also nice when its all gone again. Especially down south in the Algarve. During the holidays the place changes from pretty quiet to complete madness for about two weeks. Spanish crossing the border, people from Lisboa and inland drive down and do not forget all the other tourists escaping the cold. By now they are all gone. Algarve is back in winter mode. Most restaurants closed, the only traffic light in the region is off, and the best thing, empty waves. Enjoy the story and foto‘s from our last two sessions. Surf Guide Algarve, Mission Completed.
At the Right spot at the Right sime, *going left
When winter hits, it usually also means the waves come to play. Overall the winter so far has been pretty mellow with big swells. Yet there is a pretty solid one hitting right now. Surf Guide Algarve showing 10 years of experience and rolling the dice. We score an amazing session with almost no one out. Sharing quality waves of a 16 second swell with just a handful of people in the water. Dreamy. One dude, a friend of surf guide algarve, paddles out on a foamy. To be honest, this guy will surf good on a piece of driftwood but he really puts down a show on the softtop. Gliding in easy but still managing to get some nice carves. In the meantime the surf guide algarve crew also scoring amazing waves. What a morning, mission completed.