The ocean still in Party mode with surf guide algarve on the west coast
Christmastime in the Algarve this year is basically as good as it gets. Surfing with Christmas hats on on Christmas day in pretty much perfect conditions. Sharing waves, good food and chrissy spirits with our surf guide algarve extended family. What more can you wish for? More offshore maybe? Usually these offshore days only last a few days. But the ocean is still in part mode so we just continue to dance as well! West Coast action again, enjoy the show.

Epic waves for the whole crew!
Whenever you ask any surfer what type of waves he or she thinks are epic, you will get a mix of answers. Personally I really like barrels. Where most others will agree a longer more mellow wave is more fun. Today we all get what we wish for. Starting the morning with very mellow – pretty much perfect – waves. As the tide pushes in the waves unload more and more on the inside ledge. By the time this happens we already in the water for over two hours and the session is an absolute 10 by all means. Quickly mr. surf guide algarve gets a couple of backside barrels. *Mostly on the head, but making up for a good show.