Pre Christmas gifts from mother ocean with surf guide algarve
Currently we counting down the days before Christmas. Instantly the Algarve comes back alive. Many people from the north of Portugal spending their Holidays here. Same goes for many people from higher up north, Germans, Dutch and english all escaping the dark days back home. Once the school holidays start the line ups fill up. Luckily we from surf guide algarve have a couple of tricks up our sleeve to avoid the crowds. Mother ocean handing us some pre christmas gifts in spectacular fashion. Enjoy the story.

A restaurant owner once told me. New guests are nice bur returning guests are better. This is true. Whenever people come back, they become friends or even extended family. Today we surf with two of those, making the session even more special. Queen of stoke returning for a month of surfing and a friend from the north of Portugal who we only see a few times per year.

Be careful what you wish for
During the session the swell pulses and the tide drops. In essence the conditions improve but at the same time it gets way gnarlier too. Diamonds in the rough but every single one with power to break your surfboard without a doubt. We all get some absolute smokers, and get smoked too. Stoked and tired we all make it back to the beach in one piece. Another amazing surf guide algarve mission!