Surf Guide Algarve goes Big up North, scoring Nazare, Carcavelos and Supertubos
By and large the question most asked when you talk to someone who does not know a lot about surfing is. Do you surf Nazare? Besides the fact we live a shy 450 kilometer away from that beach, you can actually surf it also when it is small. Obviously the people refer to the big waves, or the ‘biggest waves in the world.‘ Although this is far and beyond the Algarve region it is a spectacle you need to see with your own eyes. With a promising swell our ‘first ever Surf Guide Algarve guest‘ – and now surf buddy – asks if I want to join him on his mission to see the big waves. Until now we only been there once before *in 2019, and knowing we can score some potential good waves on the road I am all in. Surf Guide Algarve goes big up North, scoring Nazare, Carcavelos and Supertubos.

As soon as a big swell shows on the forecast you can be fairly sure there will be a swell coming. However, how big and when it will peak exactly will always change a lot as the days come closer. While the big wave surfers from all angles of the world fly into Portugal we have some homework to do too. Where can we score waves that are not 30 meters high? Add the 5 hour drive, we need a place to crash too. Straightaway a couple of local guys living up north jumped into action to help. First stop, Carcavelos.

Calculated luck 3.0
Carcavelos is without a doubt one of the best beach breaks in Portugal. From time to time this place turns into a tube fest, and there is a large number of very skilled surfers and boogieboarders waiting for this to happen. Offshore wind and a big period swell from a good angle and we score what will be the best waves of the mini-trip at the first stop. Among the local crew some absolute stand outs but lucky for us there are enough waves for everyone. Stoked, tired and hungry we make our way back to the car for the last hour and half to Nazare.

Nazare better in real life
A lot can be said about the waves in Nazare, but one thing is for sure, its Big. Surfing a wave this size you need some balls. 35 jetskis in the water, whipping in their riders one by one. Circus is the thing that comes to mind. Thousands of people on the cliffs enjoying the incredible show. Instantly you will realise that Nazare is way better in real life than on a iphone screen. Beyond all expectations we watch the show until sunset.

Then it is time for Peniche, where we spend the night and hopefully score the next morning. Presently we have never surfed supertubos *when it was good. So that would be high on the wish list. On this side of Portugal we are not as experienced and we go on the recommendations of our friends. Finishing the trip in style get a super fun session in supertubos – with some tubes – and jump back in the car to the Algarve.