Shared stokes are the best, surfing and shooting with Surf Guide Algarve and Gianci
Suddenly the wind swings east again. Down in the Algarve this means it will be very hot again. Weather warnings are given, people on the terraces take full advantage to drink enough. In the meantime this means something else for us surfers too. Offshore wind on the west-coast. In the middle of summer you really do not need a whole lot of swell to get a fun surf session. Today Surf Guide Algarve shares the stokes with two guests. Usually we take some surf and lifestyle pictures ourself to fill the blog and the anti-social media. Whenever our American guest aks if we know someone to shoot a few photos from the water the session gets a whole different vibe. Now the pressure is really on. Giancarlos is stoked to shoot with the water camera. Shared stokes are the best, lets go!

Today is the day
In the middle of summer there are not that many really good days for surfing. Please do keep in mind that we have amazing sessions in less perfect conditions. Likely just not show off as much on a photo like the waves today. By the time the sun peaks over the cliffs and the offshore kicks in it really looks beautiful. Occasionally a real gem of a wave shows up. With no one else in the lineup we make sure that we are on it. Giancarlos getting absolutely destroyed in the inside by taking literally every wave on the head. Hard work pays off, the result is there. Some quality surf shots from a super fun morning of surfing with Surf Guide Algarve.

Book now, surf later
Planning your next holiday and not sure where to go? Algarve still has a lot of empty waves to surf! Once you checked out flights, send us a message for availability. Surf Guide Algarve can and will only take maximum 3 surfers out per trip. Would be a real bummer if you miss out on one of these! Since we always need the waves to cooperate it helps a lot if you have a time frame when you want some professional surf pictures taken. Overall we can surf every day and just pick the best day to get it all captures on camera.