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Whatever you do, do not go right, Surf Guide Algarve point break session

twin pin action going left surf guide algarve

Whatever you do, do not go right, Surf Guide Algarve point break session

Across all the surf spots in the world, more then 75% of them are beach breaks. Where the final 25% is shared between reef and point breaks. Whenever we count all our surf spots this number is pretty spot on if it comes down to the Algarve. In the meantime, the points we have here are usually not the ones of the most friendly kind. Some are really expert-only, others have their more user-friendly days. One thing they all have in common, the ocean needs some size to get these places working. Surf Guide Algarve obviously loves a good point-break adventure but it all needs to come together with the experience of the guests, crowds and the conditions. Today we score a super fun session in an empty left-hand point break. Whatever you do, do not go right, enjoy the story. 

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no one out point break action with surf guide algarve

Redefine perfect

From time to time all the elements line up. Wind turns offshore, the swell pumps, the perfect combo for a perfect surf. Yet if the forecast is that good I will guarantee you here and now that the whole world will be on it. As soon as we rock up on the beach there is a very light onshore breeze, but there is no one out. Would you rather surf a little bumpy empty waves or do you go for real perfection and sit in line? Surf Guide Algarve is kind of based on the first of the two options. Whenever its crowded we will find a more empty- likely less perfect wave somewhere else. 

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The magic board

Since its the only thing between you and the waves, it is indeed a very special object. Every surfer agrees. Although it will not make you surf better, a good surfboard helps you to have more fun. Luckily for the surf industry surfers are always looking for the next magic board. Even if you have a good board, it does not hurt to look around. Eventually you will need a new one anyway, better get it before its too late no? One of our VIP, king of stoke-himself got himself a new toy. Straightaway he is in love with the thing, a Twin Pin from Channel Islands. Partly designed by his favourite pro-surfer Mikey Feb, who shreds a piece of driftwood if needed, but this thing too. Given that this dude surfs 3 years *nearly every day for the last 2, I do see a little Micky Feb here, dont you agree? 

twin pin action going left surf guide algarve
twin pin action going left surf guide algarve
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