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Mystical sessions on the west coast with surf guide algarve

surf guide algarve surf photo of the year

Mystical sessions on the west coast with surf guide algarve

As been mentioned before, the west coast of Portugal is not for sissies. Waves here have real open ocean power and often times you really need to work hard for a few moments of pleasure. Meanwhile this place will never really get busy. Overall this kind of conditions are just to raw and advanced for most people. Time and time again we see people getting surprised by the energy that you need to handle with a lot of respect. Quickly becomes clear our “new” surf guide algarve guests are not here for sunshine and party, they are here to surf. Whe surf a couple of sessions on the west coast, the last one the most mystical, or actually mistical… Enjoy the full story! 

misty morning surfing with surf guide algarve
misty morning surfing with surf guide algarve
flower board surfgirls on the beach with surf guide algarve
flower board surfgirls on the beach with surf guide algarve

Castelejo superbank

Whenever a sandbar gets really good, you need to make sure you make most of it, while it lasts. First because the sand will move away as quickly as it came. Second because everyone likes a good sandbar, and news travels very fast in the surf-scene within the Algarve. Luckily we score praia Castelejo with a real superbank with only two other guys out. 

good waves in castelejo with surf guide algarve
good waves in castelejo with surf guide algarve
surf guide algarve surf photo of the year
surf guide algarve surf photo of the year

Surfer girls take over

Up to the present time there are a lot more guys joining the Surf Guide Algarve missions then girls. One could argue there are more man surfers so from that point of view this would make sense, But: During my time as a surf coach there were always far more girls joining the surf schools. Where have they all gone? Finally we get two friends who absolutely charge. Motivating each other to go harder and sending it. Go hard or go home. Sharing good vibes and good waves, exactly what it is all about. 

high five on a super fun session with surf guide algarve
high five on a super fun session with surf guide algarve
wipe out of the day surf guide algarve west coast
wipe out of the day surf guide algarve west coast
mystical surf surfing in the mist with surf guide algarve
mystical surf surfing in the mist with surf guide algarve
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