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Friday Happiness, Girls edition, surfing fun summer waves with Surf Guide Algarve

fun summer waves with surf guide algarve

Friday Happiness, Girls edition, surfing fun summer waves with Surf Guide Algarve

Since three time is a charm, we are in for a good one today. Now that the first day of our new surf guide algarve (lady) guest the waves were a bit big, the second a bit small, lets hope mother ocean has something right in the middle today. As soon as the forecast is giving the green light another returning guest (also a lady) decides to join the adventure and we set our alarm early. By the time we arrive on the beach the sun is up, the waves are on and there is no one out. Quickly we change into our wetsuits, wax the surfboards and get in there. Friday Happiness, girls edition, surfing fun summer waves, enjoy the full story! 

picture perfect, surf check with surf guide algarve
picture perfect, surf check with surf guide algarve
ladies day with surf guide algarve fun summer waves
ladies day with surf guide algarve fun summer waves

right or left?

suddenly this perfect wave pops up, you can go right or left, what do you choose? Luckily the wave usually choses for you, but today we have to make the hard decision a couple of times. In fact, multiple waves we share by splitting the peak. 

doing the right thing surfing with surf guide algarve
doing the right thing surfing with surf guide algarve
out of focus but in focus, beautiful a frame waves with surf guide algarve
out of focus but in focus, beautiful a frame waves with surf guide algarve
go right with surf guide algarve
go right with surf guide algarve
mr surf guide algarve backside snap summer waves
mr surf guide algarve backside snap summer waves

How Long do we surf for

Often we get the question: “How long do we surf for?” Usually i respond with something in line with, as long as you want, or, as long as you are catching waves. On this side of the globe the tides are massive and conditions change rapidly. Add the cold water and the beach break set-up. Altogether we often surf around 2 hours. Whenever the waves are very good maybe a little longer. Sometimes if the conditions are very challenging a little less. But if you are tired, you are done. There is simply no clock that can do anything against this. When one of our surf guide guests takes a nice last wave she decides its enough for today. We swap positions, she takes a few super good photos while I catch a few more waves. 

fun summer waves with surf guide algarve
fun summer waves with surf guide algarve
stoked surf guide algarve surfgirl
stoked surf guide algarve surfgirl
mr surf guide catching a few more
mr surf guide catching a few more
snap! surf guide algarve
snap! surf guide algarve
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