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Small clean waves, no one out and Rainbows? Surf Guide Algarve session at Zavial.

surf guide algarve friend clean wave action

Small clean waves, no one out and Rainbows? Surf Guide Algarve session at Zavial

By the time the clock switches to summer mode, you can say the chance you get rain in the Algarve is very small. Very small but never say never! As the northern countries really get the full blast, we get a nice refreshing sprinkle. Hopefully just enough to keep the fires away for a little bit longer. As we enter the water in Zavial, we notice something very exceptional (in summer) a rainbow! At the same time the waves look very clean and no one out. Small clean waves and no one out, lets jump into the full Surf Guide Algarve session. 

first ones on the beach of zavial with surf guide algarve
first ones on the beach of zavial with surf guide algarve
rainbows in june with surf guide algarve
rainbows in june with surf guide algarve
perfect empty waves zavial surf guide algarve
perfect empty waves zavial surf guide algarve

Small waves please

Usually we always try to find somewhat friendly conditions for a new surf guide algarve guests first day. Mainly for him or her to get used to the Algarvian water and conditions. Secondly for us to check the “real” level of our new arrival. Yesterday the surf was a little bigger then expected, waves still quite friendly, but maybe not the easiest session to start your holiday with. Luckily there are fun small waves the next day to get the wave count up. 

waxing the surfboard at zavial surf guide algarve
waxing the surfboard at zavial surf guide algarve
not your typical summer waves, surf guide algarve
not your typical summer waves, surf guide algarve
surf guide algarve guest going right at zavial
surf guide algarve guest going right at zavial

Algarve Traffic

On this side of the Algarve you need to be very unlucky to find a real traffic jam. During summer it can get a little crazy to or from the beach especially around Lagos. At the same time, we get our own versions of traffic. In and out of the water. Whenever the north wind is doing her summer thing and there are only limited spots available for surfing you will for sure see a lot of traffic in the water. On our way to the beach and from the beach back home we also encounter some less common versions of it! 

algarve traffic surf guide algarve
algarve traffic surf guide algarve
surf guide algarve friend styling on his longboard at zavial
surf guide algarve friend styling on his longboard at zavial
algarve traffic part two surf guide algarve leaving when the rest is arriving
algarve traffic part two surf guide algarve leaving when the rest is arriving
surf guide algarve friend clean wave action
surf guide algarve friend clean wave action
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