A taste of winter with Surf Guide Algarve
With the new year well on its way we should be in winter mode. Yet nature looks and feels a lot different. We are wearing flip-flops almost every day and the winter jackets are still stored away since our little trip to Dutchyland. In the first place we just go with the flow and enjoy it. Sunny skies, good waves and an offshore wind that does not seem to stop. In the meantime alarm bells are ringing. The Algarve really needs rain, and quite a bit. Finally we get a small taste of winter. Surf Guide Algarve enjoys every drop of it. Enjoy the story.

Do your magic
Dinner time in casa Surf Guide Algarve and the telephone screen lights up. Its our surf guide guest *a girl. ‘‘I really liked this morning, can you do your magic tomorrow again and make me happy…‘ Luckily we all know we are talking about the waves here. Even tough the forecast is not easy we get a magic surf session at Castelejo.

Lagos surfing
While it may be true that we do need rain, if its raining non-stop it gets depressing real quick. Storm, big waves, and rain, hitting the Algarve with full force. Although there are a few spots that might work with these conditions we set sail for Lagos. Surfing here always is a little special. Brown water, sitting in the water right next to the city and beautiful fortress. Together with beautiful waves.