One more wave before I go, longboard session with Surf Guide Algarve at Amado
As long as there are waves and we have the right crew to share them with we will go surf. As can be seen in the pictures today we get really small waves. However we have a great session. It is a bit of a special one. One of our Surf Guide Algarve VIP guests will leave Portugal for a bit and this is his last surf for a little while. Undeniable that the forecast looks far from great, we pack some bigger boards and go for a longboard session at Amado. One more wave before I go!

Only ones out
Flat is only relative. With the right tide, there is almost not a really flat day in the Algarve. Surprisingly most people do not bother to go surf when the forecast gives zero stars. As a result we have the whole beach to ourselves. Amado usually is not our go-to surfspot but just like any other beach in the Algarve it has its perfect moments.

One more wave before I go
In the meantime we know that the famous last wave is cursed. The Last wave of your session is never the best wave. Unless you go in after your best wave, leaving you questioning the rest of your day if you could have gotten more of those. Whenever someone speaks out the words, ‘I will catch one more, then I will go in‘ – the ocean goes flat for at least ten minutes. In a way even this last session is a little cursed, yet we make the very best of what we get. There is still no place I rather be. One more before I go.