Summer in full swing with empty beaches and pumping waves, Surf Guide Algarve is on!
As been mentioned before, summer is not our favourite time of the year. Maybe it is better to say, the least favourite time of the year. Summer is in full swing, yet there is still not a place in the world I would rather be. Without a doubt in general there is a lot more wind and less ground swell. While this may be true, the Algarve probably is the best place to be if you want to score uncrowded waves, every day. Most of the quote on quote experienced surfers visit the place in spring autumn and winter. Because that is the period with more frequent ‘good‘ surf. Obviously Surf Guide Algarve knows exactly where to go at all times. Empty beaches are our specialty. We score pumping waves that would fit in perfectly on a winter day. In a lot warmer water with a lot less people in the water.

Surfers from New York, where everything is possible
In truth, a whole lot is possible in New York. But as a surfer trapped in a city with that many people and limited surf close, it must be a struggle sometimes. Surf Guide Algarve is joined by a father and a son from the Big Apple. Amazed by just the nature and tranquility, ready for some Portuguese waves.

Where is everyone?
Surprisingly you see a bunch of surfboards strapped on nearly every car on the road. And there are a lot right now. Obviously in the Algarve we do not do traffic jams, but I had to wait two rounds for the only traffic light in our region the other day, can you believe it?! About 99% of the visiting surfers in summer all join surf schools. This is considered the ‘high season‘. School holidays, family trips, the whole lot. Surf Guide Algarve just takes a little different turn and makes sure we get the beaches and line ups more private. Why else would you book a surf guide?