Small waves big fun, private at Cordoama with Surf Guide Algarve
Besides searching for the best waves for your surf level, we also try to search for empty waves. Following the crowds, we can all do right? Instead of going where everyone else is, we take a little different road and surf a part of Cordoama all by ourselves. The Surf Guide Algarve crew today is VIP‘s only so the stoke factor is trough the roof. Whats more, the forecast looks fun too. Small waves with no wind promising a fun session. Without a doubt one of the easiest west coast surfs we have had in a while.

Natural wave pool
One of the Surf Guide guests compared the waves today with a natural wave pool. Good timing with the Surf Ranch Pro on now. Although the waves do not have a whole lot of power the crew is loving every single bit of it. Whats more, I dont think I have ever seen the guys catching so many waves in a single surf session. Clean waist to shoulder high waves, lefts and right, and most of them staying open for a long time. In short, ‘just epic‘ – words of the same dude who compared the waves with the wave pool. This guy.

Sunday funday
Rather then going to church we go to the beach. In essence its almost the same right? Surfing is not all about standing on the surfboard. As a matter of fact, thats only a very small percentage of surfing. Today we clean the beach, share time with family and friends, paddle a lot. And stand up on a surfboard every now and again…