Surf Guide Algarve Birthday Celebrations
In fact, it is our personal birthdays. We are not really sure when the Surf Guide Algarve officially started. So we just celebrate it all together. To make things even less complicated our little princess is born on the same day as mr. Surf guide Algarve so… Here is the full story. For those who are interested. And if not, just scroll trough the pictures or stop reading here.
Love, beach, Surf, a lot of gifts *some wrapped, some not. And of course amazing food to fuel this whole festa.
Surprise one
We get a really fun session at our backyard beach Castelejo with the little family. Missis Surf Guide and baby Storm trying to shoot a few pictures. And of course mr. Surf Guide Algarve trying to surf. I surf like a bag of patatoes lately and it is really time to focus a little bit more on technique.

After a very fun session we get to our daughers favorite place in Vila do Bispo. The Lidl, to score some food for the after surf lunch. As I put the bread in the slicing machine. *yes awsome you can do that yourself, you do need to be careful do, there are a few breads that do not want to be cut like that.
But, as I was doing that, I hear a lot of commotion behind me. I look up and see my parents and sister walk into the Lidl. That on its own does not seem like a big deal, but they live a good 2500km away and I am sure there are Lidls there. Surprise!

A lot of presents

I do not care much about belongings and stuff. Please do not give me anything, the house is already full! But for Storm we make a big exception… Because, we could never let this hang in the shop. And this is so adorable she really needs that. And this, and… With the daughter spoiled rotten you would think the Surf Guide gets away clean. But no. To start our friend Joao gives a video coaching session to help with the patato surfing thing. The wind is offshore *yes still!. The waves amazing and the vibes even better.
After the surf we celebrate at the house with a big luxery lunch and a lot of presents. Storm and her new Harley.

Love the beach
With the sun shining there is only one thing on our mind. Back to the beach. This time we leave the surfboard in the rack. We live maybe far apart but we all love the beach a lot. With no one else on Cordoama and the sun out like this it feels like a dream.
Fireworks to finish at the Hangout
We care about food. A lot. Not just in quantities. My parents do too. So to bring them to a place to eat we need to be super sure its good. The now one year old baby girl times her sleeps super well and I call my friend from the Italian restaurant in Sagres, the Hangout. This is how it went.
Ciao niels! Happy birthday, how are you and how can I help. Half an hour later we set down on the best table in the house in front of the fireplace. We all know Italians create magic on plates. But what he puts on our plates is really next level. The epic day could not have ended any better. The owner and friend makes us feel like we are in our own home. Storm crawling over the floor, eating her first Real Italian pasta and Panacotta. We will remember this night for ever.