When it all comes together
We all know that ´how I wish there is a photographer Now´. After your amazing wave of the morning. It can be that the light is just incredible. Or the waves absolutely amazing. Or maybe you finally succeed to do that one turn you always dream of.
Well, newsflash, 99.9% of the time there is no photographer on sight and all these beautiful moments will stay memories in your head. These same memories will make you come back for more. And although it does not make the actual experience better. It would be epic to sometimes have that amazing feeling caught on camera. Today is all comes together when the surf guide Algarve adventure takes us to Sagres. We surf in Tonel with our good friend and extremely skilled photographer Massimo. The pictures in this story are all his and can not be taken without permission.

Smile for the camera
Smiiile! And all faces turn into awkward Grimms with fake smiles and people throwing unsure shaka´s at the cellphones. Making a good picture is hard. A good picture from a spontaneous moment is often much better. But how spontaneous is it if you know that the surf photographer is in the water and you need to take waves Right Now. The waves are good, the light is beautiful, there are almost no other people. Now it is up to you to shine. All those hours of preparation and dreaming. Paddle hard and smile for the camera: