Surf Foil adventure,

Foiling the next big thing? I don’t think so. Maybe in some funky conditions where a wave is not really breaking somewhere far out. But on the beaches we have in the Algarve I think there is a wave to surf (without the foil) almost every day of the year. But would you like to try it? For sure I will. Hydro-foiling looks insane. It is the same technique dolphins use when surfing the waves. And ones you get the foil going it looks like you fly. Our guest has two of those complete foil set-ups and wants to give it a try together with me. After some research Bordeira seemed the best spot for our surf foil adventure.

Wax your board and go
One of the many things to love about surfing is simplicity. Wax your board- (put on your wetsuit.) And go. Not with surf-foiling. It takes a good 15 minutes with a well prepared German guy to prepare the whole set-up. Times two.

Like a true Kook
Not one second I am under the impression you can just jump on a foil and fly away. But with quite a little ocean experience I am still keen to just ‘give it a go’. And I am glad I did. But at the same time I also have to admit it was a highly irresponsible move. Although I have a bit of surfing experience and a guy who had a lot more foil experience than me as a total beginner. I think you really should get a lesson. Or at least start trying in a little less heavy surf.

But did you jump in heavy surf with the foil? Well not really. But looking back on it now it was way to heavy for a first foil experience.

Wipe Out times 5
It takes a little to understand what type of waves you can paddle for and what waves not. The equipment seemed perfectly fitted to my length and weight. The moment I paddle for my first wave the foil lifted instantly launching me backwards.
”you have to put a lot of pressure on your front foot when the foil comes up!”
wise words of my guest/ master foiler.
So the next wave I take the foil comes up and I press on my front foot. The foil hoovers a few meters straight down the (maybe 2 1/2 foot) wave to nosedive when I get to the bottom. Now it happens on the surfboard at times, that you nosedive. And it even happens you slam your face on the water that it kind of hurts. But what happened next I was not really prepared for. Imagine me traveling at the speed of light. (You have 0 resistance underwater ones the foil comes up). Add the speed of the wave and the top-down movement where I went down the wave. This is by far one of the best wipe-outs I ever encountered. This is not me but you get the picture.
Stoked for the experience but I think i rather just wax down my surfboard and keep the board in the water. Thanks for trying!!!