Surf Tonel,
There will be always be the next wave. There will always be the other day. But we all know that every day is different. And in the Algarve in October, two days can really be very different.
To not give away all my secrets on what swell size, direction and wind I think tonel is good. I think it looks pretty good like this.

New day, new adventure.
With a little low pressure approaching the Algarve we have a few windsurf and kitesurf buddies who get excited from this. But for the surf it is a mission. Obviously local knowledge comes into play by where to look first. But it really comes down to dedication and a good attitude. The boys on board today are 200% stoked and ready to surf whatever. Realising the waves are what they are and just make the very best of the conditions at hand.

Obviously we all prefer an offshore breeze and perfect clean waves over onshore mushy rollers like this. But, with low expectations will always get rewarded. (And with higher expectations you do also sometimes get disapointed.) The surf looks like the netherlands on a good day. But these guys are from germany and do not even have a sea! so every wave is better than zero, and they having like a hundred each. Stoked as grommets and tired like crazy we ending this story with one more: