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Cordoama: A close out is just a really fast wave!


Surfguiding back on track,

The phone is red-hot and we guide every day. Well, red hot, we having a few request. But we are super stoked to have our guests returning and share the passion of surfing in the Algarve. Now we surf every day again like we are supposed too! If you want to surf with us just hit the book now button, send an email or give us a call. Please try to book as far in advance as possible because now after the covid we just offer private surfguiding.

surfguide guest
surfguide guest with her brand new surfboard.

Two sessions,

The forecast looking very promising, missis surfguide with a day off, sunshine, what more can you ask for? To start off a little more mellow we surf Tonel. The waves about waist to shoulder high, a few people out and a perfect start off the day. Annemarie (missis surfguide) surfing her 7´0 malibu and was doing super good. To turn up the adrenaline a little bit we switch beaches to Cordoama.

Very challenging waves in Cordoama, with mr. surfguide going for a sort of a end section hit/ float.
Same surf move but a split second later.
And classic mixing it up with the arms again happy surfguide but still no pro 🙂
cordoma wave
Our guest almost on the wave off the day but cordoma wave wins….
cordoama wipe out
Cordoama wipe out of the day because the Portuguese waves have a lot of power.
after surf melon cordoama
All stoked and tired and water in places we do not want it, an after surf melon tastes super good in cordoama.


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