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Zavial Portugal style

zavial waves

Surf Zavial,

With the right tide, swell and wind Zavial can turn from just another beautiful beach to one of the most fun surf spots you will ever see.
I have to mention that this is not a beginner wave at all. Even the beach break can get very heavy and tricky. Unfortunately there are a lot of people that either underestimate the waves at Zavial (or overestimate their own level of surfing). Lets keep it a positive post.

zavial beach
zavial beach.

I had an awsome dude on board who probably surfed a lot better than any of the guys out there. Growing up in California wont necessarily make you a good surfer, but thrust me, this guy is.

zavial surf
And this chick knows also how to surf…


One of the most famous movies is even called like it, Pointbreak. About 75% of the beaches in the world are beachbreaks. And pointbreaks are special. Its fun, challenging, a bit tricky but I know for a fact every surfer loves surfing a point. This morning we were very lucky to find only a hand full of local guys on the point and there was space for 2 more.

zavial waves
zavial waves.
zavial surfer
One of the local dudes (Joao) showing how it is done. The vibes were super good in the line up and we surfed until the tide got to high and the waves stopped working. (Honestly this is the best way of ending a session.) Stoked and satisfied. 


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