Zavial friendly?
Just a few days ago I posted how we scored zavial early in the morning with strong wedgy waves. And now I write its friendly? Well yes, it is. This is a perfect example of how fast the conditions in the Algarve can change. Two American dudes wanted to come on a surfguide mission. They were aware of the requirements, know the rules, be an independent surfer and be stoked. They nailed the last part:

The tone was set, we drove with a slow pace towards the beach. I never visited North America myself but I do have to say that the people I meet from that region, are all super-stoked. And, thát matches very well with my own personalty.

No pro’s are welcome.
I just want to point out ones more. You do not have to be a pro to come surf guiding with me. If you can surf independent, know and respect the rules and be at least half as stoked as these dudes; you’re welcome to come. Yes you do need to be able to surf a green wave. No I can and will not coach you. But if you just need more hours on the surfboard and someone to share your stoke with; you know how to reach me!