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small waves at Zavial and a private point

zavial small wave turn

Small waves request,

The two surfgirls from Malibu – yés, thát Malibu, they asked me if there’s only gigantic waves to be found in the Algarve. They had been in Sagres for a few days and didn’t find anything that would match there surf level. Thats why they called the surfguide I guess. With *for summer, quite a big swell I had a little surprise for them for the following day.

zavial beach small wave
The girls were super stoked with the small waves we found at Zavial beach. Me and my friend played in the small waves for a little bit until there appeared even a small wave at the point. 
zavial small wave
Me and my friend surfed the point at Zavial with the two of us for quite a bit and to make sure she had some prove of our score I went out and shot some pictures. 
zavial small wave turn
The waves were on the small side but exactly what the girls needed and we had a beautiful morning at Zavial. 
zavial point paddle in
Zavial point paddle in.
zavial rocks
Lunch anyone? Fresh mussels straight from the rocks. 


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